Fakaaʻu ʻa Tonga ki he kainga Tonga nofo mulí


Loeatonga is a one stop online service to support Tongans living overseas in fulfilling their legal needs by providing an online connection. We connect Tongans living overseas with a Tongan lawyer residing and working in Tonga. Our online connection is committed to providing our customers with trustworthy, convenient and timely delivery of quality service.

Ko e Loeatonga ko ha sēvesi ia ʻi he ʻinitanetí ʻe maʻu ai ha ngaahi tokoni fakalao ke feau ʻa e fiemaʻu ʻa e kainga Tonga nofo mulí. ʻOku mau fakafehokotaki ʻa e kainga Tonga ʻi mulí mo ha loea ʻoku nofo mo ngaue ʻi Tonga. ʻOku mau tukupā ke ʻoatu ki heʻemau kau kasitomaá ha sēvesi ʻoku falalaʻanga, faingofua pea fakakakato ʻi he taimi feʻunga mo hoʻo fiemaʻú.

The legal services we offer are listed below with a brief description of each service. If you cannot see what youʻre looking for in our list of services, please go ahead and tell us. We can tailor our services to meet your specific need.

ʻOku lisi atu heni ʻa e ngaahi sēvesi ʻoku mau fakahokó pea mo ha fakamatala ʻo e sēvesi takitaha. Kapau ʻoku ʻikai kau he lisi ʻa e meʻa ʻoku ke fiemaʻú, ʻe lava ke ke fakahoko mai ia kiate kimautolu. Te mau lava ʻo fakahoko ʻa e sēvesi ʻoku hoa mo hoʻo fiemaʻú.

Take time to read about how we do business in the "How it Works" page. We strongly advise that all customers start their business with us by buying an Online Consultation (Service #A) so that our lawyer can advise you on the service that best suits your legal need. Do not buy any of the other services (Service #B onward) from our Online Shop unless you have had an Online Consultation.

Fakapapauʻi ke ke lau ʻa e peesi "How it Works" ʻa ia ʻoku fekauʻaki mo ʻemau founga ngaué. ʻOku mau faleʻi kimoutolu ke kamata ʻetau fengaueʻaki ʻaki haʻo mou fakatau ha "Online Consultation" (Sēvesi #A) kae lava ke faleʻi kimoutolu heʻemau loeá fekauʻaki mo e sēvesi ʻoku hoa mo hoʻo fiemaʻu fakalaó. Kataki ʻoua te ke fakatau ha niʻihi ʻo e ngaahi sevesi kehé (ʻo kamata atu mei he Sevesi #B) mei he Online Shop kaeʻoua kuó ke tomuʻa fakatau haʻo Online Consultation.

This is the first step to take in doing business with us. Start by paying for an Online Consultation at our Online Shop. This is when you tell us about the legal issue you are concerned with. Our lawyer will review the information you give us and propose the service we can provide, documents we will require in order to provide the service, and estimated time for completion of service.

Ko e fuofua sitepu eni 'i he'emau fakahoko fatongia ma'au. Kamata'aki ha'o totongi ha'o taimi ke talanoa mo 'emau loea. Te ke fakamatala mai 'i he foomu temau 'oatu 'a e me'a fakalao 'oku ke tokanga ki ai. 'E vakai'i leva ia he'emau loea pea te mau fetu'utaki fakafoki atu mo e fale'i fekau'aki mo e ngaue 'e lava ke mau fai ma'au, ngaahi tohi 'e fiema'u ke fakakakato 'aki 'a e ngaue ko ia, pea mo e fakafuofua 'o e taimi 'e kakato ki ai 'a e ngaue.

A "Tongan" child or person who was born overseas is a Tongan citizen by law. However, they still have to make an application with the relevant authority in Tonga to register their birth in Tonga, and to ensure they meet specific legal requirements. This will allow the person registered to get a Tongan birth certificate, and a Tongan passport. This is particularly important for citizenship, immigration, right to vote in a general election, obtaining a national Tongan ID or driverʻs license, open a bank account in Tonga, business ownership, and land ownership. Purchase an Online Consultation to talk to our lawyer and check eligibility conditions.
Ko ha fānau pe tokotaha "Tonga" ne fāʻeleʻi ʻi muli ʻoku lau pē ia ʻi he lao ʻo Tongá ko e tangataʻi fonua Tonga. Neongo iá, ʻe kei fiemaʻu pē ke tohi kole ʻa e tokotaha ko ia ki he maʻu mafaí ʻi Tonga kole ke lesisita ʻi Tongá ni hono fāʻeleʻi iá, pea ke fakapapauʻi ʻoku kakato ʻa e ngaahi fiemaʻu ʻa e laó. ʻE lava leva ai ke maʻu ha tohitaʻu mo ha paasipooti Tonga ʻa e tokotaha ko iá. ʻOku mahuʻinga ke fakahoko ʻa e ngaue ko eni he ʻoku fakafaingamalieʻi ai hono maʻu ʻe he tokotaha ko iá ʻa e ngaahi totonu ʻa e tangataʻi fonua Tonga ʻo hangē ko e ngaahi meʻa fakaʻimikuleisini, totonu ke fili Fale Alea, maʻu ha ID fakafonua mei Tonga pe laiseni fakaʻuli, fakaava ha ʻakauni pangike ʻi Tonga, lesisita pisinisi ʻi Tonga kae tautefito ki he ngaahi totonu ke maʻu kelekele ʻi Tonga.Fakatau haʻo taimi ke talanoa mo e loea (Online Consultation) ke vakaiʻi pe ʻoku lava ke ke fakakakato ʻa e ngaahi fiemaʻu ʻa e laó fekauʻaki mo e meʻa ni.
We can assist with Tongan passport renewals, provided that you are able to meet certain requirements that will enable us to lodge your application with the Tonga Immigration Office in Nuku'alofa. Purchase a consultation to learn more about this service.

'E lava ke mau tokoni'i koe ke fakafo'ou ho'o paasipooti Tonga, ka kuo pau ke ke fakakakato mai 'a e ngaahi fiema'u 'e malava ai kemau fakahu atu 'a e kole ko ia ma'au 'i he 'Ofisi 'Imikuleisoni Tonga 'i Nuku'alofa. Fakatau ha'o taimi ke talanoa mo e loea (Online Consultation) ke ke ma'u ha toe fakamatala fekau'aki mo e sevesi ko eni.

We can answer any question and advise on any land matter of interest, such as -

  1. Who is entitled as an heir to family land?
  2. When can a daughter inherit her father's land?
  3. Can an adopted or illegitimate child of the landholder inherit family land?
  4. Can family land be passed on through a will?
  5. What needs to be done at the death of the landholder to ensure family land stays with the family?
  6. How many pieces of land can a Tongan own?

We can also act as your representative here in Tonga to find out information from the Ministry of Lands about your piece of land in Tonga or complete a land transaction on your behalf.

ʻE lava kemau tali haʻo fehuʻi pe faleʻi koe fekauʻaki mo ha meʻa fakakelekele, ʻo kau ai ʻa e-

  1. Ko hai ʻoku ʻea ki he kelekele fakafamili?
  2. ʻE lava ha ʻōfefine ʻo maʻu ha kelekele ʻene tangataʻeikí?
  3. ʻE lava ʻe ha fānau ohi pe fānau ʻeveʻeva ʻa e maʻu ʻapí ʻo maʻu ʻa e kelekele fakafāmilí?
  4. 'E lava ke tuku atu ha kelekele fakafāmili ʻo fakafou ʻi ha tohi tuku?
  5. Ko e hā ʻoku totonu ke fai ʻi ha pekia ʻa e maʻu ʻapí ke fakapapauʻi ʻe nofo ʻa e kelekele ko iá he fāmilí.
  6. Ko e konga kelekele ʻe fiha ʻe ala maʻu ʻe ha tokotaha Tonga?
ʻE lava foki ke mau fakafofongaʻi koe ʻi Tonga ni mo ʻeke ha ngaahi fakamatala fekauʻaki mo ho kelekelé mei he ʻOfisi Fonuá pe fakakakato ha ngāue fakakelekele maʻau ʻi Tongá ni.
You can register your alias name (A.K.A) with the Tongan Registry and be issued with a certificate that officially recognizes that alias name. For example: If the name on your birth certificate is "Sione Latu", but you have always been known as "Sione Finau", you can register your alias name "Sione Finau" so that it is officially recognised as one of your legal names. This will allow you to officially use this alias name, and it can then be shown or recorded on documents such as your Tongan passport or driverʻs license. This is important if you use both names in your country of residence overseas.

ʻE lava ke lesisita ha hingoa ʻe taha ʻokú ke toe ngaueʻaki (A.K.A) ʻi he ʻOfisi ʻo e Fai Lesisitá ʻi Tonga pea foaki atu leva ha tohi fakamoʻoni ʻokú ke ngaueʻaki ʻa e hingoa ko iá. Hangē ko ʻení, kapau ko e hingoa ʻi ho tohitaʻú ko e "Sione Latu", ka ʻoku ui ʻaki koe ʻa e hingoa ko e "Sione Finau", ʻe lava ke ke lesisita ho hingoa ko ia ʻe taha ʻokú ke ngaueʻaki ko e "Sione Finau" koeʻuhí ke lesisita ia ke lau ʻi he laó ko e taha ho ngaahi hingoá. ʻE lava ke ke ngāueʻaki fakaʻofisiale leva ʻa e hingoa ko iá pea fakaʻasi foki ʻi hoʻo paasipooti Tongá mo haʻo tohi laiseni fakaʻuli mei Tonga. ʻOku mahuʻinga eni tautautefito kiate kinautolu ʻoku nau ngaueʻaki ha toe hingoa ʻe taha ʻi he fonua muli ʻoku nofo aí.

Change of Name - this service is similar to the application for registration of an alias name. The only difference is that a change of name will remove your old name and replace it with your new name.

ʻOku faitatau pē ʻa e ngāue ko eni mo e tohi kole ko ia ke lesisita ha hingoa kehe ʻokú te ngaueʻaki (alias name) pe ki hato hingoa ua. Ko e faikehekehé pē, ko e liliu hingoá ʻe toʻo ʻaupito ai hoto hingoa motuʻá kae fetongiʻaki ʻa e hingoa foʻoú.

If any of the details on your birth certificate is wrong, you can apply to correct it. For example: if you are a female, but recorded on your birth certificate as male. Or if your name is spelled wrongly as "Malia", but it should be "Talia".

Kapau ʻoku hala ha taha ʻo e ngaahi fakamatala ʻi ho tohitaʻú, ʻe lava ke ke tohi kole ke fakatonutonu ia. Hangē ko ʻení, kapau ko ha fefine koe ka ʻoku ʻasi ia ʻi ho tohitaʻu ko e tangata koe, ʻe lava pē ke fakatonutonu; pe kapau ko ho hingoa ko "Talia" ka ʻoku sipela hala ia ko e "Malia", ʻe lava ke fakatonutonu mo ia; mo ha ngaahi fakatonutonu kehe pē.

If you were born before your parents got married, you can apply to legitimize your birth so that you are considered a legitimate child. This would be particularly important if you are the eldest child of your parents and may be heir to the family land.

Kapau naʻe fāʻeleʻi koe kimuʻa pea toki mali hoʻo ongomātuʻá, ʻe lava ke ke tohi kole ke tohi koe ko e fānau mali. ʻOku mahuʻinga ke fakahoko eni ʻo tautefito ki ha fānau ʻoku ʻea ki he kelekele fakafāmilí. Ka ʻoku ʻi ai ʻa e ngaahi makatuʻunga kuo pau ke fakapapauʻi kimuʻa pea toki lava ke fakahū ha tohi kole peheni.

Application for legal adoption can be made in Tonga in respect of illegitimate children (not born within a marriage). Inter-country adoptions will incur additional requirements, depending on the country of residence of the applicants.

ʻOku lava ke fakahu ha tohi kole ʻi Tonga ke ohi fakalao ha fānau tuʻutāmaki. Kapau ko e ohi fakalaó ʻo fakataumuʻa ke ʻave ʻa e fānaú ki ha fonua mulí, ʻe ʻi ai ʻa e toe ngaahi fiemaʻu ke fakakakato, ʻo makatuʻunga pe ia ʻi he fonua ʻoku fakataumuʻa ke ʻave ki ai ʻa e fānaú.

Legal guardianship applications can be made in respect of legitimate children (born within a marriage). A guardianship order will give the guardian rights over a child, up until the child reaches the age of 18 years. As with legal adoptions, if the legal guardianship order is made with the intention of taking the child to live overseas, additional requirements will apply depending on country of residence of the applicants.

ʻE lava ke fakahu ha tohi kole ke tauhi fakalao ha fānau mali. ʻE foaki ʻa e tuʻutuʻuni tauhi fakalaó ki he fānau ko iá pea ʻe toki ngata ia ʻi haʻanau aʻusia honau taʻu 18. Hangē pe ko e kole ohi fakalao, kapau ko e kole tauhi fakalao ʻo fakataumuʻa ke ʻave ʻa e fānau ki ha fonua muli ke nofo ai, ʻe ʻi ai ʻa e toe ngaahi fiemaʻu makehe ʻo makatuʻunga ʻi he fonua ʻoku nofo ai ʻa e ongomatuʻa kole tauhi fakalaó.

If you live overseas but wish to file a divorce in Tonga, we can assist you with the divorce case. There are specific grounds upon which a divorce can be filed and your case must fall into one of those grounds. Purchase an Online Consultation to find out if this service is right for you.

Kapau ʻokú ke nofo ʻi muli ka ʻokú ke fie faile haʻo vete ʻi Tongá ni, ʻe lava ke mau tokoniʻi koe ke a fakahoko ʻa e veté ʻi Tongá ni. ʻOku ʻi ai ʻa e ngaahi makatuʻunga pau ʻe lava ke toki faile ʻaki ha vete ʻi Tongá ni. Fakatau haʻo taimi ke talanoa mo e loea (Online Consultation) mo vakaiʻi pe ʻoku lava ke fakahoko ʻa e sēvesi ko ʻení maʻau.

DID YOU KNOW that a Tongan who had naturalized (became citizen of) in another country before the year 2007 lost his/her Tongan nationality? For example, if your family migrated from Tonga to Australia, New Zealand or the United States and later became citizens of one of those countries before 2007, you had lost your Tongan nationality when you obtained that foreign nationality. What you need to do is apply to the relevant authority in Tonga in order to regain (get back) your Tongan nationality. This is particularly important if you own land or if you are the heir to the family land in Tonga! We can help you with that application. We can tell you more and see whether this service is right for you during an Online Consultation.

NA'A KE 'ILO ne mole 'a e tangataʻi fonua Tonga 'a ha taha Tonga ʻo kapau naʻe liliu kakai ʻi ha fonua muli kimuʻa he taʻu 2007? Fakatātā ʻaki eni, kapau naʻá ke hiki mo ho fāmilí mei Tonga ki ha fonua muli hangē ko ʻAositelēlia, Nuʻusila, pe ʻAmelika pea mou liliu kakai ʻi ha taha ʻo e ngaahi fonua ko iá kimuʻa he taʻu 2007, ne mole ai pe hoʻo tangataʻi fonua Tonga! Ko e me'a leva ke ke fai ko ho'o fakahu ho'o kole ki he maʻu mafaí ʻi Tonga ke toe fakafoki atu ho tangataʻi fonua Tongá. ʻOku mahuʻinga ke ke fakahoko eni ʻo tautautefito kapau ʻokú ke maʻu ʻapi pe ko e ʻea koe ki he kelekele fakafāmilí ʻi Tonga. Te mau lava 'o tokoni'i koe 'i ho'o kole ko ia. Fakatau haʻo taimi ke talanoa mo e loea (Online Consultation) ke toe ʻoatu ha fakamatala fekauʻaki mo e sēvesi ko ʻeni mo fakapapauʻi pe ko e sēvesi eni ʻoku totonu ke ke fakataú.

When the official record of a birth, death or marriage is not found in the Registry, an application for late registration of the birth, death or marriage will be required. This application must be done before an official record of the birth, death or marriage (a birth, death or marriage certificate) can be obtained.

A person can apply to register in Tonga the death of a Tongan subject overseas. This will allow a Tongan death certificate to be issued in Tonga.

Kapau ʻe ʻikai maʻu ha lekooti ʻo ha faʻēle (tohitaʻu), mate (tohi mate) pe mali (tohi mali) ʻi he ʻOfisi ʻo e Fai Lesisitá, ʻe fiemaʻu ke fai ha tohi kole ki ha lesisita tomui ʻo e fāʻele, mate pe mali ko iá. Kuo pau ke fakahoko ʻa e tohi kole ko ʻeni kimuʻa pea lava ke toki maʻu ha tatau ʻo ha tohitaʻu, tohi mate pe tohi mali ʻoku lekooti ai ʻa e fāʻele, mate pe mali ko iá.

ʻE lava ke tohi kole ha taha ke lesisita ʻi Tonga ha pekia ʻa ha tokotaha Tonga ʻi muli. ʻE malava leva heni ke maʻu ha tohi pekia ʻi Tonga ʻo lekooti ʻa e pekia ko iá. ʻOku fakahū ʻa e tohi kole ke lesisita ha pekia ʻi muli ki he Fai Lesisitá.

Question? OR Did you want a service we have not listed? Email us at ask@loeatonga.com. Use the form below.

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